As your new President, first let me congratulate and welcome Maggie Case and Tom Russell, our 2 new Directors.

To the other candidates who ran, you did not lose!  You demonstrated that you care enough about your community and are willing to take on the challenges that come with governing the association.  You stepped up and said, “I’m willing to give my time and expertise to help make Pine Ridge a better community.”  Only those who fail to act are the losers.  So, thank you to Rowena McCoy, James Arthur, and Diane South for accepting the challenge.

Some of you know that the vote for me for President was not unanimous and that’s okay.  It just means I need to work harder to gain their confidence.  I have made that commitment to both.  My job is to steer the ship and avoid the rough waters whenever possible.

Despite what we all see and hear from some members in the community, I can state without reservation that the 5 people on this Board want nothing but the best for Pine Ridge.  There is no hidden agenda and certainly no back door dealings.

Proactive is a word we’ve heard quite often in this room, of late, and you are likely to hear it again because we intend to be just that.  We will always be looking forward.

You have asked for transparency and accountability.  I believe your previous Board was the most transparent yet.  We will continue that trend to the extent permitted by statute.  As to accountability, please hold our feet to the fire.  We harbor no secrets.

Finally, I would ask anyone who is not now serving on a committee to throw their hat in the ring and get involved.  Everyone has something unique to offer.

Thank you,

Wayne Tuch, PRPOA President


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