Recently the office has been contacted regarding fraudulent sales of land in Pine Ridge, and it is my understanding this is happening all over. Treasurer and Board Member Maggie Case brought to my attention that the county had a program for alerting owners if any type of recording activity is happening with your property. Below is the link to sign up and the steps to take while doing so. One thing that the county brought to my attention is this is done by name only, not the parcel id or the address, and with that if your name is common, you may receive many notifications, but if this helps you to receive an alert of wrong doing with your land, this may be worth your time? See the link and steps below. Thank you…… Gail 

If you’d like to sign up for the Recording Activity Notification, please click this link to get started:

A disclaimer for Web OR will open. To continue to the Recording Activity Notification System registration, click on the “I Agree to and Understand the Above” button.

From the menu options, click on “Recording Activity Notification System (R.A.N.)

You are now on the home page for the R.A.N. System.

Step One:

From the home page, locate box 1 and enter the e-mail address that you would like your R.A.N. notifications sent to, then click on the green “SEND” button. The R.A.N. System will send you an email containing a one-time verification code.

You will need to access your e-mail’s inbox to retrieve the verification code.  Please be aware that you would have to start this process over if you exit the R.A.N. System home page while retrieving your verification code. Open a separate window on the device you are currently using or use a secondary device like a phone or tablet to access your emails.

Once you have your verification code, return to the R.A.N. home page. Enter your verification code into box 2 and then click the “VERIFY” button.

Step 2:

You are now ready to enter each name that you would like to monitor through the R.A.N. System. For the best results, include all variations of a person’s name (for example, John Doe, John A Doe, J A Doe.)  Click on the “ADD NEW” button after each name that you enter.  As you successfully add the names you would like to monitor, they will appear in the adjacent box of existing subscriptions.  You can delete a name in the existing subscriptions box by clicking the red trash can beside the name.

Once all the names you would like to monitor have been added, click the yellow “RESET” button located at the bottom of the screen.

Names can be added to or removed from the R.A.N. System by returning to the R.A.N. home page and repeating step 1.

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