F.A.Q about Bluestream Fiber coming to Pine Ridge


The following are answers to some of the questions about the possibility of Bluestream Fiber coming to Pine Ridge

What is the status of Bluestream Fiber coming to Pine Ridge?

Bluestream Fiber and Pine Ridge have been in discussion for several months around the possibility of this happening. The Pine Ridge Board would like to see a good service provider that better options that we have today and opens up growth potential for the future. Bluestream has to make sure that our neighborhood warrants the large investment required to install the fiber throughout the neighborhood and to our homes. 

How much will services cost?

Initial Pricing has been discussed based on the following

  • 49.95 a month for  500mb up and 500 mb Down unlimited High Speed Service. There are also some other perks around wifi mesh networking
  • $109.99 for Buindled Internet and Cable Service. 200 Channels of service also including TIVO DVR. (Price is for first 2 years) then goes to 124.99

There will be other offerings as well

  • Phone Service
  • Expanded High speed Internet Services 1g, 2g,5g,10 gig
  • Expanded Cable Services
What is the Benefit to Pine Ridge?
  • Having Fiber brought to Home potentially increases the overall value of our properties – https://www.fiberbroadband.org/blog/study-shows-home-values-up-3.1-with-access-to-fiber
  • Fiber supports much, much, much faster speeds of Internet, TV services supporting growth for the future and future capabilities as they become available. 
  • Bluestream becomes a welcome competitor to spectrum eliciting fair competition and better rates and services for everyone. 
  • Bluestream will provide free Internet and Phone services to the PRPOA and cover all public grounds (Community Center, Tennis courts, dog park, etc, etc) reducing down the cost of what it takes to run our neighborhood. 
  • Bluestream is buried underground which mean it will not be taken out by storms unlike other service models. 
  • Bluestream has committed to developing redundancy into the network giving automatic failover and reduced or zero down time. 
  • Bluestream will report the status of the network and services quarterly to Pine Ridge and its members allowing us to be aware of issues and understand how they have been handled. 
  • No one is being forced to take this service – This will be optional for all. 
What are the costs to the Pine Ridge Property Owners Association?

Zero – in fact there will be cost reduction with the internet and cabie services being provided by bluestream for the POA and all public locations

How long will this take?

Once Bluestream and PineRidge agree to move forward it is estimated that it will take 10 months for network constructions and 6+ months for installations

Do I have to take the service

No. Each PineRidge Member is free to choose Bluestream, Spectrum or no install whatsoever. 

What can I do to help make this happen?
  • Go out and fill out the survey and show your positive support for the project –  Link to the Blue Stream Survey
  • Explain to your neighbors and friends and get them to do the same. 
Can I review the Initial email about this?

To: All Pine Ridge Members

From: John Hyde, President, Board of Directors

Six months ago, Blue Stream Fiber contacted the Pine Ridge POA about partnering with them to bring Fiber Optic service to Pine Ridge,  At that time the Board of Directors asked Keith Landers, the Chair of the Technology Committee to investigate and take the lead on the project. To date Keith has spent many hours working with Blue Stream Representatives and the Board to craft what we think is a very advantageous opportunity for Pine Ridge Residents.

Blue Stream’s decision to move forward will be based on the interest shown by our community in this new service. This is a very large investment Blue Stream is considering and verifying interest is important prior to their final decision to install the system.

The Pine Ridge Board is very supportive of this opportunity to upgrade our community’s internet, phone and TV connectivity for the following reasons:

  • The PriceBlue Stream’s internet, phone and TV offerings will be dramatically lower than what we get today from Spectrum, with much faster connection speeds for a much lower rate of $49.99 a month for stand-alone internet.  Bundles of Phone, TV and Internet services will also be dramatically less, with more offerings without contracts.
  • Blue Stream’s system will provide 500Mb upstream/500mb/downstream.  However, Fiber technology is not limited to these speeds; its “future-proof” design can support even faster data rates, up to multi- gigabyte speeds (cost for faster service than the initial offering may be higher.)
  • All cables will be installed underground limiting down time due to storms and redundancy is being designed into the network to minimize downtime.
  • No one is required to sign up; this is optional for each Member/Resident. Competition breeds better Quality of Service for the neighborhood.  Today we have one high speed provider Blue Stream will give us two.
  • Studies show homes in communities with Fiber Optic installed are shown to be worth 3% more than in neighborhoods without it.
  • Blue Stream will provide free Phone, Internet and Wi-Fi to all of Pine Ridge’s Community Center facilities at no charge to the neighborhood. (saving the POA Members  several thousand dollars a year)

To help Blue Stream decide to make this investment to roll out their service to Pine Ridge, we’re asking each member to fill out the following survey indicating your interest (non-binding) in subscribing if it is available.

 Link to the Blue Stream Survey

The Pine Ridge Board of Directors is endorsing this project.  We ask that you show your support for this opportunity for our great community by completing the survey below.  Positive consideration of this project will make Fiber Optic available to Pine Ridge, but in no way obligates anyone to become a customer.

We have created a F.A.Q to answer questions you may have about the project here – https://pineridgeassn.com/bluestreamfaq/

Additional details on specific product offerings will be available before any final commitments to service are made. 

 Link to the Blue Stream Survey



John Hyde

President, Board of Directors

Pine Ridge Property Owners Association

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