Over 1 year ago the Pine Ridge Board decided to take on a tough problem – solving the myriad of issues with our current deed restrictions

Why do we need new Deed Restrictions?

  • The lawyers recommend that deed restrictions be updated periodically.
  • There are items, many of which are small changes to current restrictions – to be less restrictive:
    • Need to be corrected.
    • Ease of Use.
    • Too subjective. Some items are unmeasurable.
    • Need to be changed based on feedback from the neighborhood
  • Certain sections need to be reorganized and simplified
  • Over time our neighborhood has changed and there are new issues to be handled.

We have thought about how to share this info. It would seem the simple way to do this would be to show copies of each of the restrictions and show the differences between the old ones and the new ones.

PROBLEM: Side by side comparison of sections is not possible because the Proposed Refined Deed Restrictions are rearranged, deleted and have added sections to make the Proposed Refined Deed Restrictions more functional.


So how do we understand the differences between the old ones and the proposed refined deed restrictions ones?

The purpose of this documents is to provide a list of all perceived issues that are brought up by Pine Ridge Members. For each issue the following will be provided:

The document will evolve as new issues are identified by Pine Ridge Members and updated appropriately.


If you have feedback on the Proposed Refined Deed Restrictions we want to here from you!. We have a survey requesting your feedback that is open now through June 1st,. Later we will be holding town halls to discuss as a community. Please let us know your thoughts. 

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