News and Information


Roads Committee – Reporting Pot Holes

Roads Committee – Reporting Pot Holes

Roads Committee  The Roads Committee is working with Citrus County to improve our roads, and we need your help.  Our first goal is to take care of the growing number of pot holes and crumbling shoulders.  You drive our roads, so you know where they are – in front of...

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ATV’s on Horse Trails

ATV’s on Horse Trails

Happy Holidays to Pine Ridge Residents, we understand that holidays bring new toys, and the students of Citrus County are out on holiday break, whichmay prompt use of certain toys. Please help keep the walkers and riders outof harms way on the non-motorized walking...

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BlueStream Survey

BlueStream Survey

Last week,  We had sent out this message asking all Pine Ridge Members to go out and fill out the survey. If you have not done this yet we really would appreciate if you would do that as this is a tremendous opportunity for our neighborhood.  Here is the survey...

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All Pine Ridge Members Input Needed –  Please respond

All Pine Ridge Members Input Needed – Please respond

To: All Pine Ridge Members From: John Hyde, President, Board of Directors Six months ago, Blue Stream Fiber contacted the Pine Ridge POA about partnering with them to bring Fiber Optic service to Pine Ridge,  At that time the Board of Directors asked Keith Landers,...

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Pine Ridge Pre-Billing Information and Payment

Pine Ridge Pre-Billing Information and Payment

Good afternoon, Pine Ridge Property Owners, I would like to offer direction with the 2023 pre-billing statements that were sent out. First, if you did not receive one, please feel free to reach out to me at  and I will be happy to send you...

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Pine Ridge Newsletter

Pine Ridge Newsletter

President’s Message John Hyde It’s been a busy year for the Board of Directors and the POA. We’ve made a lot of positive progress but still have a number of challenges ahead. We’ve been able to get a number of projects moving that will pay both figurative and literal...

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New Garden Club

New Garden Club

What’s New @ Pine Ridge . . . . A Garden Club, where Pine Ridge Garden Enthusiasts of all ages can learn more about growing plants here in Florida and share a common interest for flowers and vegetables. A kick-off meeting will be held on Wednesday, January18th at 7 pm...

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Referendum Results

Referendum Results

The referendum results are in and all 23 items passed. 1094 of the 4860 eligible Members voted in the referendum, giving us a quorum of 22.5%, exceeding the By-Law’s requirement of 20%. The voting averages for all items were 83% Yes, 16% No and 1% left blank...

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In Memory Of Bill Hunter

In Memory Of Bill Hunter

It is with great sadness that I give you the news that Bill Hunter passed away on Monday.  Bill went into the hospital a little over a month ago to fight a fast-moving cancer but was unable to win the battle.  For those of you who knew Bill, he needs no introduction....

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