July 19, 2021
Please provide your comments at the end of this information!

As advised in the previous blurb for the Website and the Newsletter we will be keeping our residents and owners posted regarding ongoing action. Your comments will help shape a survey in the near future.


Suncoast II and CR 486 Interchange:

This is the most important issue to confront Pine Ridge residents and owners since the establishment of the community in 1972. We have labored to keep you apprised as the PRPOA has engaged our elected leaders based on sentiments back to March of 2019. We all remember our solidarity at the armory and the POA office building against the interchange. If for whatever reason you were unaware or want to come up to up to speed, some of the more recent correspondence and articles are attached. Please take the time to read them all. They are intentionally wordy. Our community character and values are at risk. We look forward to informed commentary after you have read and understand the stakes.

Included please find the following:

Deteriorating Road Surfacing:

This is one of the main issues for our residents. We will be meeting with Citrus County Engineering to clarify the budget and formula being used to determine which roads within Pine Ridge are paved. The early info obtained indicates the current budget provided to Engineering in the form of state gas tax, along with a portion of grant money translates into the vast majority of Pine Ridge roads never being repaved. Following the next County meeting there will be options provided to PRPOA Board

Gated Community

Based on repetitive commentary this has been discussed and preliminary costs have been Investigated. Specifics regarding how the PRPOA would proceed with Citrus County for authorization are being determined. There are many schools of thought and this is a work in progress. Nothing can occur before our residents and owners weigh in. This is a preliminary stage.

Unauthorized Commercial Traffic:

Several companies cutting through Pine Ridge Estates were identified. This is in violation of the FSS as there are NO THROUGH TRUCKS signs posted at all of the main entrances. Letters were sent to the CEOs requesting their help. Simultaneously, the CCSO and Florida DMV were notified requesting enforcement action. Although there are the ‘frequent flyers’ as described by one of our residents there are still many having legitimate business within the community.

Improved Traffic Signage:

We have met with CCSO who will be guiding us regarding improved traffic signage.


Please let us know both positive ad negative feedback and/or questions you may have around the issues that the Roads Committee is working on here. If you submit a question someone will get back to you from the roads committee.

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