I’m sure everyone is aware of the results of the Planning Commission vote to approve Dix Construction’s application to build homes on the golf course property. Unfortunately, it didn’t go our way, but the fight will continue when the County Commissioners hear it on September 12th.

The Board is fully aware of some members that think we shouldn’t be engaged, but we have a responsibility to defend against any assault on the Pine Ridge property values. It doesn’t matter if it affects one property or many.

There is a rumor going around that the Board voted to spend $50,000 on attorney fees to oppose the development of the golf course. I can tell you that there was never any such vote taken.

We recently published the results of the survey for Bocce ball courts which was overwhelmingly against. Thank you to those who participated and let your voice be heard.4867 postcards were sent and we received 659 responses. That’s 13.5% participation. That is pathetic!  Maybe we should change the name of our community to Apathy Ridge? Although 547 lot owners said no, I could read it as 86.5% of the community doesn’t seem to care if we spend $50,000 on Bocce courts. I would like to ask those 86.5% to reach out to the Board with why they didn’t participate. Is the system to difficult to navigate? Was not enough information conveyed to make a decision? Whatever your reasoning, let us know , so that we can better serve you.

On a more positive note, we are on track to generate well over $25,000 from the investment strategy we implemented last September.

Finally, I want to thank all the members that showed up at the Planning Commission meeting to show their support. To quote one of our members to the Commission, “You have awakened the bear.” We can be a major player in County politics, if we stay active.

Thank you,

Wayne Tuch, President

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