New ADC Approval Instructions for the Neighborhood

Now that Pine Ridge has approved the new deed restrictions, the Pine RIdge Architecture Design Committee has newly released the ADC approval instructions for the neighborhood. The goal of this information is to provide owners a clear understand of

  1. What things need to be submitted for approval.
  2. For each request type (ex re Roof, Paint, Shed)
      • What forms should be used for each item?
      • What are the checklist items that need to be included with each form (See checklists in each section)
      • What Documents needed to be included in the request?
      • What Information needs to be included on those documents and in the application?
      • What the architecture committee will be looking at on those forms to make the decisions?
      • What are the guiding Deed Restriction  sections that tell the architecture team as to what they need to check and verify?

The goal of this process is to make submittals very simple and clear. Also, once submitted all owners should understand exactly what are the criteria that are being used to approve all applications. All of this is laid out in the instructions so that owners should pretty much know whether there submittal should be approved or not. This is a living and breathing document that will be kept up to date as the neighborhood moves forward!

Check out the ADC Instructions

Keep in Mind that the ADC Meets every other Tuesday at 9am in the Pine Ridge Community Center. This is a public meeting and all Owners are welcome.


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